Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2010 Census- Seriously, get it done.

2010 Census
You've seen the fliers and heard about it on campus. Then you received the 2010 Census in your mailbox. So, WHY ON EARTH HAVEN'T YOU DONE IT YET?

Well, I don't know. It only takes 5 minutes, it will help the DC community, and it's in the Constitution.

So seriously- get it done.

What happens if I don't do it?
U.S. Census Bureau workers will come knocking on your door, and will bug you like crazy until you've done it. 

How will it help the DC community? Don't I get counted at home?
The US Census plays a role in determining the amount of federal resources that are allocated to cities across the nation. Since you spend most of your time here, that means you consume DC resources and should be counted here. Your response helps create an accurate picture of the DC population at present, which is the purpose of the Census. Again- even though you won't necessarily be here next year, your responses help federal officials estimate the number of college students who will be here in the future, until they conduct the next census in 2020. 

It's in the Constitution?
Yes- check out Article 1, Section 2.

Does it really only take 5 minutes?

How do I fill out the information?
Give your name and basic demographic information, and answer "yes" on number 6- "Do you live or stay in this facility most of the time?"

Do I need to fill anything out on the envelope?

What do I do with it once I've filled it out?
On the first floor at the mailboxes, there is a U.S. Postal Service bin marked with a US Census sign. Drop it off there.

Move Out Deadline
Several of you have had questions regarding this. If you are a graduating senior, you must be moved out of your room by Monday, May 17, at 12 pm. Please note that graduating seniors automatically have extended stay, and are not charged an additional fee by GW Housing to stay until this date. Again- you must be out no later than Monday, May 17 at noon.

Have a great week!

Melissa and Maura

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